Monday, May 28, 2012

Week 35

How far along: 35 weeks 5 days
Estimated size of baby: Large Cantaloupe (19-22 in, 6 lbs.)

Total weight gain: I am not completely sure, but one thing I do know is I am retaining a lot of water. I feel swollen all over. My feet are the worst and my hands are coming in second place.

Maternity clothes? Just wearing what is comfortable day to day. I am done with school now so that means the pjs will get a lot more wear! :)
Stretch marks? There may be one or two there but I have to catch them in the right light to see them. Haha. It could be a lot worse!!

Sleep: Still depends on the night.

Miss Anything? Wearing what I want, drinking what I want, and doing what I want. Haha, I sound so selfish. In truth it is worth giving those things up. It really isn't bad.

Movement: I am growing a little ninja apparently. She practiced all night the other night and I am pretty sure she earned her black belt!!  

Food cravings: none this week.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing this week!!

Have you started to show? More and more everyday.

Labor Signs:  Pretty intense braxton hicks. FYI stress makes them worse!!

Belly Button in or out? Still in, but the hernia is worse. Good thing it doesn't hurt all of the time.

Wedding rings on or off? Off for the most part. :( I try to put them on every now and then, but they don't stay on long. I am wearing another ring Stephen had gotten me that is a bigger size. It fits comfortably.

Mood: A little stressed and a little anxious. A lot to do and the clock is ticking!!

Best moment this week: Getting done with school until after maternity leave :)

Weekly Wisdom: Heat= swelling, walking long periods of time=swelling, cleaning the house=swelling, sitting too long=swelling. The only thing that does not = swelling is lying down or reclining with my feet up.

Looking forward to: Her arrival!

Baby Shower

The room looked so beautiful!!!

Table setup
Such a sweet idea! I really enjoyed reading what everyone wrote to her.

floral rattle hanging in the doorway

Food Setup. It was delicious!!

Probably the most beautiful baby shower cake I have ever seen!

Cake topper

Cake topper closeup. I love the crown with the jewel on it. Too cute!! 

Cake pops and chocolate covered pretzels.

The princess chair I got to sit in to open presents
and all of the presents we got!
Shew! It was work opening all of them.

Even the inside of the cake was pretty.

Fruit stroller

Diaper cake and pictures of Stephen and I as babies.

Make a headband instructions

Make a headband table.

Grandmother making a headband

Cyndi and Melinda making headbands.

A few of the headbands that were made.

Auntie Katie is so excited about Little Baby Reynolds

One of the many cute outfits she got.

Every princess needs a tutu!!

Auntie Katie bought an itsy bitsy yellow polka dot bikini
for her little lady lumps!! Daddy does not look happy! hehehe
I am not really sure why it won't let me turn my picture!! Sorry.

We want to thank everyone for coming to the shower and for all of the wonderful gifts we got. Little Baby Reynolds is so lucky to have such a wonderful support system! We love you all so much and can't thank you enough!! Also, a special thanks to Mimi, Katie, and Cyndi for throwing the shower and everyone who was recruited to help! We love you beyond words!!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Week 34

How far along: 34 weeks 5 days
Estimated size of baby: Large Cantaloupe  (19-22 in, 5.5 lbs.)

Total weight gain: +30 I have been having a lot of swelling this week in my feet and hands and probably everywhere else. I feel like it anyway!

Maternity clothes? I have decided to quit wearing all pants unless they are my yoga pants. It is dresses and stretchy skirts for me until this wee little one gets here.
Stretch marks? I may have seen my first stretch mark today. I was out in the sun and the light caught it the right way. Booo, but I can't believe I made it this far.

Sleep: It's still good some nights and not so good other nights.

Miss Anything? Not being able to do the things I used too.

Movement: I think that she has turned down now. I am getting a lot of pressure lower in my abdomen. She kicks my ribs all of the time too.

Food cravings: none this week.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing this week!!

Have you started to show? I feel like she has grown a lot this week along with my belly.

Labor Signs:  I have had more braxton hicks this week. I also had some that woke me up twice last night. They were the worst ones yet.

Belly Button in or out? Still in.

Wedding rings on or off? On

Mood: Feeling beyond blessed to have such great friends and family!!! I can't believe I am so lucky! Little baby Reynolds will be so spoiled and loved!!

Best moment this week: The baby shower that was thrown for us today!! It was amazingly beautiful! I am not sure how to begin to thank all of our family and friends for everything!! We love you all so much!!!!!

Weekly Wisdom: . Take time to soak in the many blessing we are given and remember to be thankful for everything..

Looking forward to: Organizing and decorating with all of the beautiful things we were given for little bunny at the shower today! She is so spoiled already!

Monday, May 14, 2012

First Mother's Day

I have to admit it was a little strange everyone telling me Happy Mother's Day, but it was nice :)

Stephen was so sweet! I didn't expect anything since she isn't even here yet, but he said I am a mother so we had to celebrate. He gave me a card, a yellow rose, and an extra battery for my new camera. Now I won't run out of battery when I am obsessively taking pics of this little bunny! He will make such a great Daddy!:)

Thought it was sweet that he made the card from both of them!
My first Mother's Day!!
I feel so blessed and thankful!!

Putting up the crib

We finally got around to putting up the crib!! We have a lot more to do, but at least she now has a bed!! Haha I said we like I did anything. I just sat there for moral support and took pics :)

Just getting started. (Notice he is still watching sports center on the ipad)

Just about there!!

All done :)

Added a rug and a handmade pillow we got for our wedding from an friend.
So much more to do! We will keep you posted on the progress!

Week 33 ultrasound

I just love when we get to see her! It won't be long now until we can hold her and really see her!!
These pictures will have to hold us over until then. We may get one more ultrasound, but that's not for sure.

She has HAIR!!! This explains the tums I have to wake up and take every night.
All of the spiky fuzzy stuff on the back of her head is hair!!

Covering her face again! She does it every time!
I can't wait to squeeze those fat little cheeks!

She has Stephen's feet because her middle toe is bigger than her big toe.

Her arms covering her face still!

Week 33

How far along: 33 weeks 5 days
Estimated size of baby: Pineapple  (19-22 in, Doc says according to her measurements she is between 4.5 and 5 lbs.)

Total weight gain: +28

Maternity clothes? Thanks to a great friend I now have a whole bunch of maternity options!! Thanks Holly!!!!
Stretch marks? Still no stretch marks, but I do have a hernia. I think I have had it for awhile but it is just now starting to bother me. Those muscles are stretching.

Sleep: Some nights good/some nights not so good. I slept on the recliner part of the couch one night. It was just the only way I could get comfy.

Miss Anything? Being able to roll over in bed and it not being a whole production.

Movement: Yes, you can see my belly move and twist all over the place. She is sitting sideways right now which means she is starting to turn out of breech position. We had an ultrasound Tuesday and she moved so much that the ultrasound tech had to work extra hard to get good pics and measurements. She likes to hold her hands in front of her face and kick a lot with her little feet. She is like a little kick boxer.

Food cravings: none this week.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing this week!!

Have you started to show? More and more every week!

Labor Signs:  Only a few braxton hicks this week. Not to bad!!!

Belly Button in or out? Still in

Wedding rings on or off? On

Mood: Excited/anxious/thankful/more excited!!

Best moment this week: So many good moments this week!! Tuesday we had our ultrasound and got to see her again! Wednesday we put the crib together. Saturday we got to see some awesome friends who gave us soo much stuff we will be able to use with this little bunny. Sunday was my first mother's day and we got to spend the evening with family!

Weekly Wisdom: Ok now I feel better because apparently no one else has wisdom either. I asked for everyone to give me advice and I got Nada! Boo! Guys I need all the help I can get.

I guess my wisdom this week is to take a few minutes everyday to appreciate all of the little things. We have so many things to be thankful for that we often over look the small things.

Looking forward to: The baby shower!!! So glad I have awesome family and friends to spend time with and celebrate Little bunny.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Week 32

How far along: 32 weeks 5 days
Estimated size of baby: Honeydew  (19 in, 4.5 lbs.)

Total weight gain: +27 At least it has slowed down. We don't want a Jessica Simpson on our hands! Shew!!

Maternity clothes? Still nothing new. I am just finding new ways to wear old stuff. My waistline is just way higher now! 
Stretch marks? Not yet.

Sleep: Most nights this week I slept great! One night I did have a little insomnia and couldn't stay asleep. I woke up several times with either heartburn, having to pee, crazy dreams, or my mind racing.

Miss Anything? I was missing laying on my stomach in the sun until I came up with a way to do that too:) I got a big ol' round pool float! It works pretty good. Especially as little time as I stay out there. I don't want to get overheated. I just need a little vitamin D!!!

Movement: So much movement!! She kicks so hard now! Sometimes it even hurts a bit. I still love when she moves even if it does hurt sometimes. At least I know she is getting strong.

Food cravings: I did get some watermelon last week. It was delicious! I still haven't craved anything crazy. I just like fruit mostly and get a taste for steak every now and then.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing this week!! 

Have you started to show? Ok, I didn't get any takers on rubbing my belly for good luck. :( I promise I won't bite :) Hehe. I am showing so much now even my yoga pants are snuggling my belly. Luckily they stretch a lot!!

Labor Signs: Still have Braxton Hicks contractions, but nothing to awful.

Belly Button in or out? Still in

Wedding rings on or off? On

Mood: Chilled/excited/happy/feeling blessed

Best moment this week: When Friday rolled around! We had state testing all week. I am ready for summer break. Stephen also worked on building a cabinet for the laundry room. I know it sounds stupid, but I am pretty stoked about having the cabinet!! The laundry room is almost finished!! Then on to Little Baby Reynold's room :)

Weekly Wisdom: How about this week you all post comments and give me some wisdom! I could sure use all that I can get!!:)

Looking forward to: Tuesday we get yet another ultrasound!!! Yeah more pics and they should tell us how big they think she is!! I hope she is starting to turn herself around. She was still in breech position at the last ultrasound.