Sunday, February 26, 2012

Week 22

Week 22
How far along: 22 weeks and 4 days

Estimated size of baby: Papaya (8 in, 1.2 lbs.)

Total weight gain/loss: +10 total I am starting to see it in my face and other areas.

Maternity clothes? Bought a really cute dress, but I need it to warm up a little. I am about to wear yoga pants full time =)

Stretch marks? No

Sleep:  Not sleeping well the last 3-4 days. Between the crazy dreams, back pain, and having too pee I wake up a lot!

Miss Anything? I really want to sleep on my belly =(  and all of the clothes I put up the other day because it will be awhile before I can fit them again.

Movement: A lot of movement! She is getting so strong!!

Food cravings: I broke down and ate peeps. Yummmm!! No other strong craving this week.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, doing well.

Have you started to show? Oh yeah! I think it is starting to show a little bit of everywhere now!

Gender prediction: No longer a prediction! We know it is a GIRL!!

Labor Signs: No

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On, but they do get a little tight by the end of the night sometimes.

Mood: Still Laid back/happy/excited

Best moment this week: Waking up to Stephen's hand on my belly and our little girl kicking it. He was sleeping so hard he didn't even know she was kicking. It made me smile.:)

Weekly Wisdom: Drink a lot of water to prevent becoming dizzy/dehydrated and do yoga to help relieve back pain.

Looking forward to: Getting our little girls room in order!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

A VT fan from the beginning!

Before we found out she was a girl we had VT gear! She will be so ready for football season thanks in part to her awesome family!! Now we just need some maroon and orange bows.

I think Zoe was afraid I was going to put her in these outfits! Haha!!
Now we need to find some Falcons and Bears gear for her!!Do they make half Falcons half Bears Onesies???? Hmmm, might have to start sewing :)


Just wanted to share a few of the cute things we bought!

You always need a "little black dress" in your closet! ;)

Oldies but Goodies!

Can't wait to dress her up! The only thing missing is a pink tutu!

First pair of shoes!! I hope they fit!

Week 21

Week 21
How far along: 21 weeks and 3 days

Estimated size of baby: Spaghetti Squash  (8 in, 1 lb.)

Total weight gain/loss: +8 WoW Wasn't expecting that much of a jump this week!! More fruit and veggies are in my future!! I have been eating a lot of sugary foods this past week!

Maternity clothes? Really don't want to buy anymore right now, but it's getting very difficult to get dressed in the mornings and still feel comfortable!
Stretch marks? No, not yet!! I slather so much belly butter and udderly smooth cream on that even late in the evening it still feels like I have a protective layer on!:)

Sleep:  Not bad this week! Just getting up around 3:30-4:00 to pee!

Miss Anything? No, coping fairly well again this week!

Movement:  A lot of movement! Mostly kicks to my bladder :( She has been moving so much I have started calling her Bunny. Sometimes it feels like she is hopping all over the place. I also feel like she has moved up in my belly because the kicks/hits are higher.

Food cravings: Sugar apparently! I have noticed myself wanting more sugar than usual. I have never been a sweets eater so this is a little strange. I really wanted peeps the other day. So far I have resisted! :)

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not much, Thank God!! Still am iffy on smells. Everything has such a strong smell.

Have you started to show? Yes, but I feel like the bottom of my belly looks smaller. Could be her moving up in there. It is amazing to see the progression week to week.

Gender prediction: No longer a prediction! We know it is a GIRL!!

Labor Signs: No

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Mood: Laid back/happy/excited

Best moment this week: SHOPPING!! I will post pics later of some of the cute little things we bought! Yes, I did buy a pair of shoes!! Soooo cute!

Weekly Wisdom: Eat healthier and drink more water. Once you start back to caffeine, you will spiral out of control!!!

Looking forward to: Deciding on a name and what to do with our Little Baby Reynolds' room!!!

No longer an "it"

Boy or Girl???

Getting ready to find out if our little "it" is a boy or girl!!

About a month ago I looked at Stephen and told him I really felt like our Little Baby Reynolds was going to be a girl. He had the same feeling.

The doctor confirmed our suspicions. Little Baby Reynolds is definitely a GIRL!!!!! The doctor gave us new pictures of her too! She is already beautiful!! I think she even has my thighs poor girl! Her legs already look chubby!!:) Which should make her Aunt Katie happy!

Fists up in fighting position. A little Layla Ali :)

We all know I love shoes and now I have another set of feet to buy them for!!!!Can't wait!!!

Our little baby Skeletor!

They have NO doubt Little Baby Reynolds is definitely a SHE!

Another cute picture of her foot! Shoes Shoes Shoes!!
I believe this is the foot I can blame for the kicks to the bladder!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Week 20

Week 20
How far along: 20 weeks and 3 days. Past the Half Way Point!!! We can do this!
Estimated size of baby: Banana  (7 in, 11 oz.)

Total weight gain/loss: +5

Maternity clothes? Still squeezing into what I've got.

Stretch marks? No

Sleep:  Pretty good as long as I don't stay in bed past 8 a.m. on the weekends. That's when the sciatic nerve really starts to hurt!

Have you told family and friends: Yes and just told them it is a........GIRL!!!!

Miss Anything? Haven't missed anything too much this week!

Movement: Oh yeah! I am definitely getting kicks/punches now. Stephen felt her kick for the first time when we got in the car after we found out she was a girl. She didn't like them moving her around during the ultrasound.
Food cravings: I am having the opposite of cravings this week. I have absolutely no taste for anything and nothing sounds good.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not much, Thank God!! Still am iffy on smells. Everything has such a strong smell.

Have you started to show? Yes, enough that it is causing me to become winded when exerting energy. hahaha! Stephen laughs at me when I get out of the recliner =( It is kind of comical!

Gender prediction: Well my feelings that it was a girl were right!!

Labor Signs: No

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Mood: Laid back/happy/excited

Best moment this week: Finding out the gender of our baby girl and having Stephen feel her kick for the first time!

Weekly Wisdom: Sugar and Spice and everything nice!!!=)

Looking forward to: Deciding on a name and what to do with our little baby reynolds' room!!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Week 19

Week 19
How far along: 19 weeks and 5 days (had way too much going on this week to get the blog done) =(
Estimated size of baby: Still a Mango, but it's a bigger one this week ;) (6.5 in, 10 oz.)

Total weight gain/loss: +4 total Trying to keep a slow pace (Wish me luck!)

Maternity clothes?Haven't bought any this week. I am really trying to hold off until warmer weather so I can buy a bunch of sundresses and cardigans.
Stretch marks? No

Sleep:  Still having sciatic nerve pain on right side at night, which leaves only the left side to sleep on most of the time. I did find that if I stuff a pillow on both sides of me I can sleep at different angles on my sides. Something I have NEVER even given a thought to before.

Have you told family and friends: Yep! Getting ready to tell everyone this weekend if it's a boy or girl. We should hopefully know Thursday afternoon!!!

Miss Anything? Drinking a beer or two while watching the Superbowl. Thank goodness my Bears weren't in it...That would have really sucked!

Movement: I am getting a lot more movement, especially when I sit crunched up...The baby does not like that.
Food cravings: Not really, but I am still eating a lot of cereal and fruit.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not much, Thank God!! Still am iffy on smells. Everything has such a strong smell.

Have you started to show? I feel like a balloon some days...I better get used to that!

Gender prediction: I keep thinking it will be a girl...Nurse at the hospital thinks it is a girl too.

Labor Signs: No

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Mood: Happy most of the time. I think I am hitting the nesting phase though...I am sooo ready to get rid of everything at this house that we haven't used in the last 6 months. Time to clean out for baby stuff!

Best moment this week: When the week ended! It was a long week.

Weekly Wisdom: You can fit a lot more into a week that you think!!

Looking forward to: Thursday, February 9, 2012...we find out the gender!! Telling everyone on Saturday! I am soooo excited!!