Monday, February 6, 2012

Week 19

Week 19
How far along: 19 weeks and 5 days (had way too much going on this week to get the blog done) =(
Estimated size of baby: Still a Mango, but it's a bigger one this week ;) (6.5 in, 10 oz.)

Total weight gain/loss: +4 total Trying to keep a slow pace (Wish me luck!)

Maternity clothes?Haven't bought any this week. I am really trying to hold off until warmer weather so I can buy a bunch of sundresses and cardigans.
Stretch marks? No

Sleep:  Still having sciatic nerve pain on right side at night, which leaves only the left side to sleep on most of the time. I did find that if I stuff a pillow on both sides of me I can sleep at different angles on my sides. Something I have NEVER even given a thought to before.

Have you told family and friends: Yep! Getting ready to tell everyone this weekend if it's a boy or girl. We should hopefully know Thursday afternoon!!!

Miss Anything? Drinking a beer or two while watching the Superbowl. Thank goodness my Bears weren't in it...That would have really sucked!

Movement: I am getting a lot more movement, especially when I sit crunched up...The baby does not like that.
Food cravings: Not really, but I am still eating a lot of cereal and fruit.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not much, Thank God!! Still am iffy on smells. Everything has such a strong smell.

Have you started to show? I feel like a balloon some days...I better get used to that!

Gender prediction: I keep thinking it will be a girl...Nurse at the hospital thinks it is a girl too.

Labor Signs: No

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Mood: Happy most of the time. I think I am hitting the nesting phase though...I am sooo ready to get rid of everything at this house that we haven't used in the last 6 months. Time to clean out for baby stuff!

Best moment this week: When the week ended! It was a long week.

Weekly Wisdom: You can fit a lot more into a week that you think!!

Looking forward to: Thursday, February 9, 2012...we find out the gender!! Telling everyone on Saturday! I am soooo excited!!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I have a comment... The pillow thing listed under "Sleep" on line four: That makes is so that Daddy has to sleep on a four inch wide strip at the edge of the bed! Not cool baby, not cool.

    -Daddy Teen Teen
