Sunday, January 29, 2012

Week 18

Week 18

How far along: 18 weeks 3 days
Estimated size of baby: Mango (6 in, .5 lbs.)

Total weight gain/loss: Not sure, I really haven't stepped on the scale.

Maternity clothes? I did finally break down and get some maternity black pants and prego leggings. (Not as comfortable as I was hoping for!) Guess I will put my prego uniform on when I get home from work. (Yoga pants and a stretch t-shirt) =) I still only have a few maternity shirts. I am still able to fit in many of my old shirts, but it is getting more and more difficult to find things I already have that actually fit! =(
Stretch marks? No

Sleep: Some good nights and some bad. Some nights I have such crazy dreams and other nights I wake up with back pain or sciatic nerve pain. It makes me appreciate the naps and the nights I don't wake up until the alarm goes off.

Have you told family and friends: Yep!

Miss Anything? Sleeping on my stomach, or even my back! Having two sleeping positions (right and left side) is real bummer!

Movement: I am feeling more than fluttering now!!! It feels like someone has flicked me from the inside. I always thought it would be weird to feel a baby move inside of me, but it really gives me a happy and a little relieved feeling.
Food cravings: I have never been a sweets eater, but the other day I couldn't get enough sugar! Sugar cookies with icing were my favorite for a few days. Mmmmm... I am back to not eating many sweets again though.

Anything making you queasy or sick: The thought of fast food still makes me queasy, however there  isn't anything that really gets me sick anymore.

Have you started to show? Oh yeah!

Gender prediction: I keep thinking it will be a girl...

Labor Signs: No

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Mood: Still feel happy!

Best moment this week: Feeling the tiny little kicks/flicks!=)

Weekly Wisdom:Drink lots and lots of water and maybe add a little cranberry juice in the mix. We are waiting on some test results to let me know if the pain in my back and bladder is a bladder infection or kidney stones. Hopefully it is just bladder infection and the antibiotics will take care of it.

Looking forward to: Finding out the gender so we can finally start planning the nursery and picking out names!!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Week 17

How far along: 17 weeks 3days
Estimated size of baby: sweet potato(5.5 in, 5 oz.)

Total weight gain/loss: +2

Maternity clothes? A few shirts and probably going this weekend to get some pants. I have been using a hair tie to keep my pants up, however that really bothers Stephen for some reason. He said I look like my belly has horns. I told him the baby was just taking after him!;)

Stretch marks? No

Sleep: sleeping pretty good until about 4 a.m. Which really sucks when you have to get up at 5:30 a.m.

Have you told family and friends: Most definitely! Wouldn't be able to keep that secret for this long!

Miss Anything? Still miss beer, especially after a long day at work! I did miss lunchmeat the other day, but got over that quickly.

Movement: still mostly fluttering right now. Can't wait to feel something more!

Food cravings: cracker barrel French toast!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Still the smell of fried foods or fast foods.

Have you started to show? Oh I think so!!!

Gender prediction: got a strong feeling it was a girl the other day, but the next day I wasn't sure. Could just be my hormones:)

Labor Signs: No

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Mood: Pretty happy!

Best moment this week: Getting NEGATIVE! :) (yay!!) results on the cystic fibrosis,down syndrome,trisomy 18, and neural tube defects tests! Our baby is healthy and already passing all of it's tests!!! Making this teacher proud!!!

Weekly Wisdom: I really need to get into my prenatal yoga. It's a miracle for the back pain and relieves stress!!

Looking forward to: February 9th!!! boy/girl????? What's your bet?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Week 16

How far along: 16 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: +1
Maternity clothes? A few shirts, and will definitely need some pants soon! Was hoping to wait till warmer weather, but not sure I will make it! As you can see in the picture my pants are pushing on my lower belly. Boooo!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Pretty much any chance I get! I have been having some pretty crazy dreams lately.
Have you told family and friends: Told them all Thanksgiving weekend and the weekend before.
Miss Anything? Sounds weird but I miss beer.
Movement: Fluttering at night mostly. Have a lot of stretching pains.
Food cravings: Risotto, wheat thins garden veggie crackers, milk, and cereal
Anything making you queasy or sick: Brushing my teeth, the smell of fried foods or fast foods.
Have you started to show yet: Getting enough of a belly that I am going to have to break down and buy some maternity pants. =(
Gender prediction: Still feel like it is a boy! I am usually wrong about these things. The Chinese Lunar Calendar says it’s a girl, but I took an old wives tales quiz online and it says a boy. I guess we’ve got a 50/50 chance =)
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood: Mostly happy when I am feeling good. I have had some days where I just felt really agitated! Yikes! Look out Stephen =)

Best moment this week: Hearing the baby’s heartbeat at the doctor.
Weekly Wisdom: Now that I am feeling better it is time to start catching up on things like cleaning and spending time with friends.
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender!!!! February we should find out!! I can’t wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

First Trimester and weeks 14-15

Total weight gain/loss: -1.7

Maternity clothes? A few shirts. Going to try and make it to warmer weather before I have to really buy any.

Stretch marks? No

Sleep: Pretty much any chance I get!

Have you told family and friends: Told them all Thanksgiving weekend and the weekend before.

Miss Anything? Feeling good!!

Movement: Random flutters starting at week 13-14

Food cravings: In the beginning steak and egg salad. Since then I have had a few cravings for pizza, mac and cheese, snickers ice cream, milk and lots of oranges!! I eat an orange almost every day and go through a gallon of milk every few days.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Until week 15 almost everything! Especially prenatal vitamins (or any vitamin really!), Fast Food and any fried smell!!

Have you started to show yet: I started showing early, but not enough for anyone to be suspicious. Now I have a nice bump. Enough of one to make my pants tight and people wonder if I am fat or pregnant! =)

Gender prediction: Boy, but someone gave me a pencil with a string and needle in the end. Hold it over your arm and depending on direction it moves it gives you a prediction. It said it was a girl. So who knows!!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood: Mostly happy when I am feeling good.
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender!!!!

Baby's First Pictures

Mid September the Hubs and I decided to start trying to have a baby. We weren't going to try hard, but decided whatever happened was meant to be!

Mid October I came down with a really bad cold and felt worse than I have ever felt with a cold. I made a Dr. appointment. I felt I could be pregnant so asked the doctor to do a test. It was Negative!

Late October was so tired I couldn't keep my head up past 9p.m. and starting having bleeding issues. I made a doctors appointment with the Gyn.

November 3rd sitting in the doctors office and in walks the Doc. SURPRISE!!! I am pregnant! Due to the bleeding issues I was at high risk for a miscarriage. This is when we got our first snapshot of our Little Baby Reynolds!! They labeled it the size of 4 weeks and scheduled an appointment for 4 days later to check progress.

Feeling excited and antsy driving home to meet the hubs for lunch and tell him the news I get stuck in traffic for over an hour .I could hardly stand it! Finally made it home! I handed the picture to the hubs and said well your going to be a dad!!! He looked at me stunned then smiled and popped out of his chair to hug me! We were both buzzing with excitement. We discussed not telling anyone until all was cleared by the doc.

November 7th Stephen came with me to the doc. They did some more blood work and another ultrasound. These pics dated our baby at 6 weeks and gave us a little surprise! We got to hear the heartbeat!

Between the + signs is the heart

Below the ultrasound pic is the heartbeat!!