Sunday, April 29, 2012

Week 31

How far along: 31 weeks 5 days
Estimated size of baby: Head of Lettuce (19 in, 3.9 lbs.)

Total weight gain: +26 Shew! I feel like a Buddha!

Maternity clothes? Still only have one pair of maternity pants and two dresses. The dress I have on in the picture is a regular dress. The high waist helps me fit into it still.
Stretch marks? Not yet.

Sleep: Slept better this week because I had the entire bed to myself. Stephen was out of town for work. I still have good nights and bad nights. Some nights it helps to be slightly propped up in order to breath well.

Miss Anything? Doing all of the following without strain: breathing, sleeping, moving, bending, and pretty much existing. Oh and not having heartburn even when I eat the hottest foods. Toast and sometimes water will give me heartburn now.

Movement: She now has longer periods of activity and rest.  She is really active mid day and around 8 p.m. She love to push up under the left side of my ribs. You can feel a hard lump there when she is really pushing hard. I am not sure what part of her body it is, but I guess we will find out at our next ultrasound. You can see my belly move now! It is crazy!

Food cravings: None this week. Right now I could go for some really good watermelon :) I guess that could be a craving. I won't hurt anyone if I don't get it though! :)

Anything making you queasy or sick: Taking vitamins without much food.

Have you started to show? Yep, just like a Buddha statue. Who wants to rub my belly for good luck? :)

Labor Signs:  Still have Braxton Hicks contractions. Doc says its just my body practicing. Walking around Lowes makes them worse.

Belly Button in or out? Still in

Wedding rings on or off? On

Mood: Happy and anxious. I feel like things need to really start getting done. Time is flying by!

Best moment this week: I got to meet Dr. McQueary at our new baby doctors office. I feel so much better about this practice than the last two. I am also excited that I bought a sheet,a rug, and baskets to organize her closet.
Weekly Wisdom: Not sure I have any to spare this week :)

Looking forward to: Buying more things for her room and finally putting her crib together.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Week 30

How far along: 30 weeks 5 days
Estimated size of baby: Head of Lettuce (18 in, 3.2 lbs.)

Total weight gain: Not sure, I haven't stepped on the scale this week. I am sure I have gained! I am swelling more lately.

Maternity clothes? Just wearing what is comfortable. I love the yoga pants! Unfortunately, I can't wear those to work :(
Stretch marks? Still none! I really hope it stays that way.

Sleep: Not sleeping as well this week. My back has been hurting more. I also got a really bad calf cramp at 3 am the other morning. It has been several days and my calf is still sore. Heartburn has been pretty bad this week as well.

Miss Anything? Not taking my picture every week. :) Can't wait til I can just take pics of Little Baby Reynolds!

Movement: She is still a little bunny hopping around a lot in there,especially when my bladder has even a little in it! She is moving more at night too. I can tell she is getting stronger and stronger. :) I think she had hiccups today. It was funny to see my belly jump like that.

Food cravings: I craved ice cream after dinner the other night. This is big because I do not normally like ice cream.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope :)

Have you started to show? Yep, just a little bit of a bump there ;)

Labor Signs:  A few braxton hicks contractions every now and then. They aren't painful though. My stomach just gets tight.

Belly Button in or out? Still in

Wedding rings on or off? On, but my right hand ring is snugly.

Mood: Exhausted! I haven't been feeling the best this week so I feel a little bummed about that as well. I am still really happy and excited to be having this little bunny. I get antsy about her getting here sometimes.

Best moment this week: Spending time with family. Not hearing back about the glucose and anemia tests. They said no news was good news. Guess they were normal!!

Weekly Wisdom: Rest, Rest, Rest! I can't seem to get enough.

Looking forward to: Summer break

Monday, April 16, 2012

Week 29

How far along: 29 weeks 5 days
Estimated size of baby: Butternut Squash (17 in, 3.1 lbs.)

Total weight gain: +24

Maternity clothes? Nothing new
Stretch marks? No, I am a belly butter fanatic!

Sleep: Good, I only wake up once or so a night, usually around 3:30 am. If I wake up a second time it is usually 30 minutes or less before my alarm is supposed to go off at 5:30. That part is not to fun, but I am sleeping better.

Miss Anything? Nothing this week :) 

Movement:Still a lot!! She is starting to get under my ribs. She is really good for my posture!

Food cravings: I sort of had a craving for chocolate milk the other day, but it wasn't so strong I had to run and get it right away. Still haven't had any of those "would die for ____" cravings.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope :)

Have you started to show? My belly is so big it gets in the way now. Tried to clean my windshield on my car and my belly honked the horn several times. Hehe.

Labor Signs:  I had a little cramping the other day that lasted a while, but I don't think it had anything to do with labor.

Belly Button in or out? Still in

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Mood: Exhausted!

Best moment this week: Meeting the new doctors and getting new ultrasound pictures!! She looks like she is going to have chubby cheeks :)

Weekly Wisdom: A good doctors office makes a huge difference in how comfortable you feel. We really like the new doctor's office!

Looking forward to: Getting results back on the Glucose and Anemia tests.

29 Weeks Ultasound pics

Thanks to having to check my placenta previa we got new pictures! We are so excited we finally got to see her again!! We should get measurements and more pictures next month! Oh, the placenta previa has corrected itself, so we are in the clear with that!! She is still in breech position, but doc says she still has room to move and turn.
Chubby Cheeks

Chubby fingers :)


We almost didn't get to see her face because she kept putting her hands up in front of it.
You can see her hand by her eye.
We can't wait to meet her!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Week 28

Happy Easter!!
How far along: 28 weeks 5 days
Estimated size of baby: Small Cabbage (17 in, 2.9 lbs.)

Total weight gain: +21

Maternity clothes? Nothing new
Stretch marks? No

Sleep: Good, but I toss and turn a lot. I have reduced the amount of pillows I have been using. We will see how long that lasts!

Miss Anything? Sleeping on my stomach.

Movement:A lot!! I am supposed to count at least 10 kicks within an hour. Lately I can get around 10 within 15 minutes! She is very active.

Food cravings: Still no real cravings. I want sweets more than I used too, but I don't crave anything specific.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope :)

Have you started to show? My belly is so big it gets in the way now.

Labor Signs: No

Belly Button in or out? Still in

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Mood: I was motivated early in the week (spring break) then got a lot less motivated the last few days. I have also been pretty happy. I have developed a weird pregnancy symptom lately, giggling!! I find a lot of things funny. I sometimes get the giggles so bad I have tears. The things I laugh at really aren't all that funny :)

Best moment this week: Relaxing and getting a lot done during my spring break. I also got to spend time with an old friend and her son.

Weekly Wisdom: Be really careful in the sun. A little sun goes a long way! I am way more sensitive to the sun now!

Looking forward to: Going to our new doctors this week. We get to have another ultrasound and see our little girl again! Unfortunately,  I also have to take my glucose test too! Yuck!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Week 27

How far along: 27 weeks 5 days
Estimated size of baby: Head of Cauliflower (16 in, 2.5 lbs.)

Total weight gain/loss: +21

Maternity clothes? Nothing new
Stretch marks? Nope.

Sleep:Sleeping really well and still using a bunch of pillows.

Miss Anything? Not this week. 

Movement:A lot!! She is sooo strong. You can see my belly move on the outside now!
Food cravings: Nothing in particular. I keep waiting to want pickles! Yuck, I hate pickles!!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope :)

Have you started to show? Big time.

Labor Signs: No

Belly Button in or out? Still in

Wedding rings on or off? On, still drinking the lemon water to keep the swelling at Bay.

Mood: happy and motivated!!

Best moment this week: Abbi rubbing my belly and telling her she was a good baby! It was so cute!!

Weekly Wisdom: Not much wisdom this week! I have pregnancy brain so bad that I feel like Jessica Simpson and her chicken under the sea comment! Shew!!  I better get my brain back after little baby Reynolds is born.

Looking forward to: Using my spring break to get a lot done!